Have A Smarter Real Estate Experience.
A discussion with your members, associates and colleagues to avoid "Real Estate Snakes, Landmines and Grass Fires."
We reveal the Not Obvious pitfalls of real estate.
Discussions can be 30 minutes to one hour.

24 years ago,
the residential purchase contract had 5 pages. Now there are 12 pages . . . . plus numerous addendums and amendments.
The commercial property purchase contract has grown to 14 pages . . . plus amendments and addendums.
The entities below, may require their own additional notifications and required docs.
taxing jurisdiction
Management district
Historic district
with changing personnel and policies.
There may be 21 people involved in your transaction.
Buyer agent
Seller agent
Title company
Building Inspector
Bug inspector
Mold inspector
Environmental consultant
Hydrostatic plumbing inspector
1031 Tax Deferred Exchange 3rd Party Intermediary
Commercial mortgage broker
Residential mortgage broker
Property manager
Owners association
Residential appraiser
Commercial appraiser
Residential lender
Commercial lender
Insurance agent
Oops . . . . do not forget the lawyers