Welcome to the Poodle Ranch.
These podcast episodes talk about Snakes, Landmines and Grass Fires that I have experienced in my real estate career.
After 28 years experience, I have personally toured thousands of properties to make a determination of true value and have over 500 transactions.

I frequently say that … I have seen everything and every day I see a different color snake.
Recently a prospective client “Robert” came to my office to discuss his real estate objectives. He wanted me to find a good deal to buy at wholesale price. He thought that my purpose is to be his bird dog.
We need to work together because the best way to have a good deal … is to find properties to implement good management and add features to increase value to a property.
Robert has made only 5 real estate transactions in his life

In the last 28 years the world has become more complicated with laws and regulations. Large companies have implemented more guidelines and policies to protect the liability of supervisor jobs and share holder equity.
One transaction may involve 19 people and institutions with changing personnel, policies, guidelines and laws.
Robert and I discussed potential Snakes, Landmines and Grass fires.
Then we agreed that there is a good possibility that a problem will arise which requires experience to solve.
With my 28 years experience, I am resourceful to handle each new situation. Normally, a seller will not know or expect a problem. Frequently, Personnel and institution guidelines policies cause problems.
Robert decided that I am the broker with skills to handle a problem that nobody knows about, YET.

You should schedule a time for us to meet and discuss how to avoid snakes, landmines and grass fires.
The best way to “prepare for the unknown” is to have a good team at your side. This applies fully to real estate investing. There are costly dangerous snakes, landmines and grassfires to avoid. Having a good team can turn a regrettable experience into a great, memorable experience. Let’s build your team.
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If you are considering a transaction, contact us to discuss your objectives and discuss how to avoid snakes, landmines and grass fires.