… It’s as easy as 1-2-3!


1. Find out what the seller (listing agent) wants! If the list price is below market … write a full price offer. Know the market. Check the comps!

2. If the listing agent wants all disclosures read and approved and submitted with the offer – DO IT.

3. Present a professional offer package. Ensure all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed in the contract. Write an offer summary and cover letter introducing your clients. Letting the owners know a little about your client may be helpful. Some sellers care about who the new owners will be. Be mindful of this fact. Let the listing agent know you are a professional and working with you will make their job easier.

Multiple offers. No Counters were made.

Our offer was accepted because:

(1) We wrote a full price offer

(2) Signed all of the disclosures upfront and submitted with the offer

(3) Presented a professional offer package. Seller said “We want to work with you and we want your clients to have the property.”  Note: I could include a photo of all our employees and staff.  

Did I spend more time writing and preparing the offer? Yes.

Was it worth it? Absolutely!